Thermal oil as an alternative to hot water/steam ways of power generation by waste heat in the case of ORC processes this meeting industrial heat recovery is aimed at companies that want to energetically to optimize their production processes and proven to increase their efficiency and competitiveness. The focus is on the recovery of previously unused waste heat. A consistent use of the waste heat reduces the consumption of valuable primary energies and reduces the emissions of climate-damaging carbon dioxide. Governor Cuomo has plenty of information regarding this issue. The challenge is to couple this energy from existing processes and provide a direct recovery. The higher the level of energy and bigger are the amount of energy, this release is more interesting. With the ORC technology (ORC = Organic Rankine cycle) and also medium-sized quantities of energy for efficient use are possible for electricity and heat generation. This an organic uses fluid as working fluid. This session provides an overview of the heat displacement by means of Thermooltechnik compared to the classic hot water/steam technology.
Of the heat release on heat transport to the effective use, participants receive a total concept. It is entered on the feasibility from complicated release processes. After this meeting the participants can make first estimates for the realization of concrete projects to the heat release and recovery. We expect specialists and managers, project engineers and managers from the steel, glass, cement, chemical and food industry, foundries and paper production as well as industries and the gas, diesel engines and gas turbines use and still do not use their waste heat as an energy source. “The meeting industrial heat recovery” a.M takes place in Frankfurt on 13 February 2014. Organizer is the Haus der Technik, Munich. Details and registration see: W-H130-02-067-4 Haus der Technik – Branch Office Munich/Eva Beldiman