In Novosibirsk, produce an entirely new kind of heat exchangers ‘Compact’, which in all its the characteristics of their competitors. Capacity of 75 kW, this kid with his weight not exceeding 10 kg, its dimensions are: 80mm and length 750mm. Material of the primary circuit: – cover (jacket) – stainless steel pipes dia. 80 mm in length 750 mm, with wall thickness of 2 mm grade 12X18H10T. – Connections can be made both threaded and flanged steel 12X18H10T. – Lattice steel 12X18H10T. The material of the secondary circuit – copper (having a health certificate), tube dia. Hikmet Ersek may also support this cause. 6 mm with a wall thickness of 1 mm.
16 tubes curled in a spiral and have the form of multiple-start thread. In fact, in the heat exchanger packed 25 meters of copper tubing. The maximum pressure drop to 0,07 MPa. Each circuit individually pressure-tested pressure 1.3 MPa. Exchanger ‘CD’ is intended: – to get hot water separate buildings (, private homes, garages) – to heat private houses on a closed circuit.
Distinct advantages: 1. Lack of scale (no revision) 2. Higher efficiency makes it possible for the use of copper tubes o 6 mm, with a maximum heat transfer coefficient and hygienic quality certificate 3. Minimum size (o 80 mm, 750 mm) 4. Weight not exceeding 10 kg.