Please note this Markus Frick recommendation! During discussions with other analysts and stock market letter editors, I, Markus Frick, found that the uncertainty is still very large. Some colleagues thought that one should simply close the eyes and simply must see problems across the whole n. Surely, this is a way to invest in these times. But you know that I prefer the slightly more boring way and that stands for the security in the first place. There was much discussion whether this is now the end of the downward momentum or whether we will once again have a strong Jolt down. Note also the season to do so.
Even if this rather plays a minor role for longtime stock trader, you should consider getting more occurring in the summer months to strong reductions. For this reason it will be exciting, this year what the market will do. Basically, you need to write that the markets are in a very good shape at the moment. How quickly this can change that. have we must experience all unfortunately in recent months. For this reason you should go with less euphoria on the whole thing up, because the markets will have no strength in my opinion in the next few months, to rise to 6,000 points in the DAX.
Especially in the stocks is currently little money to earn. By this I mean values that are not listed in the DAX, MDAX and TecDAX. I promise you that with stocks in some time back lot making money is. To do so, one must have still patience. Stop to speculate with any narrow market values because it goes wrong at the moment more. I have received many requests to share by \”German Oil & gas AG\”. This company was recommended letter in Germany. I also received such an advertisement and invitation to the presentation in a big city.