Industry Fish

Fishing is developed in the Bays of Agiabampo, Yvaros, Santa Barbara, Matting Aquichopo, the Elote, Moroncrit, in beaches of Huatabampito, Camahuiroa and the Mouths; conforming the coast of 110 kilometers and a water mirror of approximately 16 thousand hectares. These water bodies form three complex ecosystems to lagunar and estuary, that are Aquichopo, Yvaros and Agiabampo; in that jaiba, snail, corvina and pargo reproduce and develop to a great diversity of species of commercial importance between which the shrimp excels. Aquaculture is counted on a vast land extension of terrestrial marine federal zone. Throughout the coast that corresponds to him to the municipality of Huatabampo they have constructed 12 farms for the shrimp culture, in lands of federal zone bordering to matting and bays. Industry is developed in the municipal head, where the activities of the sectors are concentrated secondary and tertiary, the agro-industrial plant conform two enlatadoras and six packings of vegetables and vegetables and two producing industries of agricultural consumptions. On the other hand, the fishing Industry is integrated by 8 companies dedicated to the capture, canning, reduction of the sardine and to packaging of meat of jaiba. The sardinera industry and of fish flour production is located in the Port of Yvaros and the dedicated ones to the empacado one of meat of jaiba are in the municipal head and other communities of the municipality. The industry in Yvaros settled more than 2 decades ago counting at the moment on 5 industrial plants, a enlatadora of sardine, three harineras of fish, one of desviscerado descabezamiento and of sardine. These industries tin around 90.000 cardboards of sardine to the year, annually produce 10.000 tons of flour and an average of 5.000 tons of fish oil. This sector constitutes an important element of the local economy generating a total of 2.078 direct uses, additionally use is generated approximately 700 indirect and 500 daily wages during the harvest of the tomato required by the enlatadoras.

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