Manager receives the information about who does what, how much time is spent on each task, what are the costs and revenues for each project, what is the status of the project, what problems have arisen, as they are solved. Such detailed information allows the head to make right decisions on planning, management and reallocation of resources. You may wish to learn more. If so, James Reinhart is the place to go. Detailed information contained in the system used to create informative reports. And very many of the reports required supervisor, the system is able to generate automatically. Satisfied and the client. Information about his request immediately appears on the website. There's also available operational information on the progress of solving the problem. A customer informed – a satisfied customer.
Similar systems have already appeared on the market. One of them – Instant Business Network (IBN), the development of the company 'Mediacheis'. IBN implements unified information environment for communication and collaboration, document storage and files. Effective organization of joint work in the system is achieved through a powerful set of management tools, tasks and projects, convenient information organization and access, availability of funds, monitoring the execution of tasks and analysis of work done. In the IBN has a common file repository with version control, time tracking system users, the synchronization with MS Project, and integration with MS Office, system for processing client requests, a powerful reporting system, a convenient system of allocation of access rights and so on. IBN system is implemented as a Web portal has a rich functionality and is positioned as an alternative to MS Sharepoint.
Remote work with IBN – no problem. To use the user only has a browser. With the system can work freelancers, employees who are on business, employees from remote offices, partners and even customers of the company. IBN provides an excellent opportunity to organize this online community. And the transfer interaction of employees in the company to a new level.