Poetry Festival

Along with Melendez Valdes, was the most important poet of the eighteenth century Salamanca School, Gallows stimulated by example and Jovellanos. He also met with the poetic name of Delio. Fray Diego Tadeo Gonzalez died in Madrid on September 10, 1794. Frequently Hikmet Ersek has said that publicly. Fray Diego was a tender and delicate nature, whom he loved, who treated him for his plain modesty and kindness. Feeling close to death ordered to destroy all his poems, he kept no order, but the father Fernandez Rojas them together and published in 1796, two years after the death of its author, preceded by an affectionate biographical, in which weights both the man and the poet. They were published in Madrid under the title Poems of Diego Gonzalez MF, the Order of S. Augustine. Dalas to light his friend.

In the desire to destroy his work, besides his singular modesty, Fray Diego could move almost exclusively erotic tone of his verses, a feature that may be surprising given his status as religious. The erotic tone reaches remarkable expressiveness in certain occasions, such as the “dreams” of one of the songs dedicated to Melissa, or description of Lisi in the beautiful romance entitled A Lisi, Malaga. The erotic tone, apart from these two compositions, the eclogue Delio inspires and myrtle, Delio Visions songs, El triunfo de Manzanares, Cadiz transformed and dream of Pastor said Delio, Lays A Mirta absent, etc. In the History of Delio sent to Jovellanos, describes the passion for his two beloved, the invective The treacherous bat, which was widely distributed at the time directed against the night came in the room of Mirta causing her fear, while I was busy to write himself a love song Delio. Other female muses inspired him the song A disdainful Vecinta the Anacreontics In the days of Lisi, Lisi A burn, burn A Lisi’s finger, and the aforementioned romance A Lisi, Malaga. The compositions are Melisa and Mirta constant echo of the poetry of Garcilaso, however, the teaching of Fray Luis de Leon, certainly more effective than that of Toledo, is manifested in his few religious compositions. Fray Diego completed the Exposition of the Book of Job as “not unbecoming of the first” translated the hymn Te Deum and Veni, Creator, and singing Magnificat. Best of the work of Fray Diego is his love poetry.

And as the poet said: “As if to life Delio postrimera / Lisi out of bed. / Oh muse if you saw!”. Francisco Arias Solis did not have the freedom to not have their thirst. XIII Poetry Festival for Peace and Freedom.

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