Rio Chira Huallaga

In some place names such as Chulliyache (Beach Sechura) and Mecache (the name of) a bias of Catacaos). This presence could demonstrate relict of an ancient language that will speak in Piura prior to the introduction of quechua as Alfredo Torero holds it with the caveat that while the only places it in the mountain area, we believe that this extended to the coastal valleys. We postulate that this finishes would be involved with any of the Amazonian languages in the departments of Cajamarca (Jaen, Santa Cruz), amazonas (province of Rodriguez de Mendoza) and san Martin (province of the Huallaga and Mariscal Caceres). The Plan which contains 43 Castilian voices translated into eight languages that the Indians from the coast, mountains and mountains speak of the bishopric of Peru Triguillo elaborated by the Bishop Martinez de Companon registers to the languages of the Hivitos of Huaylillas conversions and the language of the same conversions Cholon. The Hibito was spoken in areas in the province of Mariscal Caceres in the Department of san Martin on the tributaries left d of the Huallaga River. The Cholon is It extended more South on the left bank of the Huallaga River into the province of Tingo Maria Huanuco Department. 1987: 114 (Bullfighter) In the language of the Hivitos can find some significances that sustain our postulates: Cachi: water and Laponcachi: Mar.

As in the Amazon region, it is difficult that people have a notion of sea, the word Laponcachi can refer to a course of water or ri more than its tributaries such as the Maranon, the Amazon or the Huallaga. Termination – ache this related watercourses. This can be seen in place names of rivers such as: Quismache (tributary of the Chamaya and tributary of the Maranon) Jelache (tributary of the Huallaga. Rodriguez de Mendoza Province) Simacache or Shemacache (tributary of the Huallaga, province of the same name) Ushache (tributary of the Huallabamba and this tributary of the Huallaga. Mariscal Caceres province) Salapache (tributary of the Huallabamba and this tributary of the Huallaga. Mariscal Caceres province) Jepelache (tributary of the Huallabamba and this tributary of the Huallaga. Prov.

Marshal Caceres)) Jelache (tributary of the Huallabamba and this tributary of the Huallaga. Mariscal Caceres province) Tocache (tributary of the Huallaga). We believe that this termination and its variants has significance of water or river. Serious then that Ache terminations are evidence that at one time an Amazonian language served as a lingua franca between l Amazon forest, the Eastern and western slopes of the andes Nortenos and the valleys of the Piura coast. And this may be the explanation of the because in a coastal zone as far away from the Amazon forest, we find Jibito, as the name of a town located on the left bank of the Rio Chira on the province of Sullana, Piura that may well be the Hibito Variant. Finally, I believe that we should pay greater attention to the Amazon area in an attempt to unravel the linguistic past of the piurano territory. Rudy Mendoza Palacios Piura, July 1999. Original author and source of the article

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