In Pernambuco, among others, it is registered family of the Colonel Joo Antonio Gomes, of 1749, come of Portugal for Recife, Gentleman of the Devices Mercs and Penderama, this in the Village of the Handle in Pernambuco. Trader and proprietor in Recife, left numerous descent of its marriage in Recife, with Caetana Maria of God Saucers Blacksmith, in 1752, in Recife, son of Sundays Saucers Blacksmith, patriarch of this family Saucers Blacksmith, Pernambuco. In the Rio Grande Do Sul, it of Incio is registered Gomes, married in 1780, Strait, RS, with the Florencia indian (L. 2., fl.10v). For So Paulo, an illustrious family of musicians, originary of Spain registers itself, coming from Don Antonio Go’mez, of noble house of Pamplona, and that, becoming bandeirante, tamed the interior of So Paulo, finding, not gold, but another thing that, for it, was more precious: a gorgeous indian, son of a chieftain guarani, that she gave to many children (Vasconcelos to it. Roots of Music, 196). It enters the descendants of the couple, are registered: Manuel Jose Gomes, 1868, more known for Maneco Musician, professor, composer and master of the Band of Campinas.
Important descent, established in Campinas left, SP, of its third marriage with Fabiana Maria Jaguari Cardoso, who died tragically, very young still. It left the great-grandson, Jose Peter de Sant? Ana Gomes, son of the previous one, it I flow Juca, violinista, regent and also composer, the biggest friend of its famous brother, the teacher Carlos Gomes; another great-grandson, Carlos Gomes (1896, Belm of Par) son and, Antonio brother previous of the third marriage, one of the biggest names of Brazilian music, beautiful author you operate and modinhas. Its great-great-grandson, Iberian Thick Gomes, of, 1905, of So Paulo, nephew-grandson of the teacher Carlos Gomes. Also in the Rio Grande Do Sul, among others, it meets family of Joo Gomes, black person lining, married in 1779, Strait, RS, with Maria of the Conceio, also black lines.