Spanish Episcopal Conference

Above all, when touching hot topics like the manifesto of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, the upcoming elections, the issue of immigrants, the financial crisis, say that he awakens passions found in other diners as today, but my friend not be a hair cut because, as I said sometimes, long time that went out me hairs on the eggs, and it also leverages its age to tell what comes in WINS. That Yes taking care to respect all within an order, clear, although not always succeeds. He thinks that it should not say everything you thought, but also believes that, at certain ages, can be tolerated all the elderly. So your conclusion is that he says and has everything that you want to. I looked at my watch when I said, Ummm would take me a postrecito, because it is good yantar, so two coffees alone has taken your dessert and I. To the output, I accompanied him toward the station where has caught a train back to her house. Do not believe that I can complain, on the contrary, there is an anecdote that I tell you because, in reality, I love him very much and owe a lot too, but much, much.

And I have listened to you with respect and enthusiasm and I love that: to feel even illusion for him as when it was small. And I’ve told you a secret, I have spoken of very personal issues that have left me spontaneously and with wisdom, has not tried. Moreover, has answered me with the look of their eyes before blue, gray and his smile full of kindness and experience. Today I’ve eaten with an old friend. Today I’ve eaten with my father. Carlos Sanz Original author and source of the article.

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