The Personage

In quintaestrofe returns the first person with the presence from the pronomepossessivo milk mine, this express mark in such a way leiteirocomo thing inside of the narrative how much the other of distinct classroom translates the desire of aproximaocom. Demonstrating that the worker to podeestar next to one another classroom, that is not alone its. The subtle use of , with landslides , without march, understands porum development that it needs to be made in the surdina, sliding itself, sescondidas. Sutildepasso so maneiro Meuleiteiro and has led, before slides that it marches. It is certain that algumrumorsemprese makes: missed step, vase of flower in> certo and always strengthen the idea of that algumtipo of empecilho in the way of the milk can occur being able to be in the property epara the security of the proprietor, in the direction to protect it deladres or other troublesomes, and any irregularity napropriedade will alarm the item of security of the owner: the dog that barks as a matter of principle, the quizilento cat, alarms that search acordaros men of the sleep of the night. Although to seem accidental, the descobertado shunting line made for the milk and its property invasion is given by the largeness of the comfort guaranteed for the property. sendo thus the word Sir also assumes the direction daqueleque dominates, in the direction of the unification and the guarantee of the property. The doleiteiro death, in a poem marked for the fantasmtica life Of the personage, silk also for them, without evidenced individual agent. The gun jumps the shots kill the milk, that only fulfilled its paper daily to deliver milk. The mortenarrada one loses contours of particular accident and becomes destinocoletivo, stuck in a social order where the things live doque more the man.

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