Work World

If a man succeeds, he becomes the author of his life, a man free from internal and external constraints, it can influence on his life to the fullest. He can build their lives according to their internal moral principles and values. We explain this by using the scheme. An inner world of people here is inscribed in a world that permanently affect a person. On us constantly bombarded the flow of information: the views, opinions and events. And our task is not lost in this thread, save yourself.

To do this, we estimate that comes to us with information, working out their own opinions, attitudes to what is happening, allowing us to save himself, his J. But we also actively influence the world through its activities. We change something (the object of activity), and this leads to changes in the world. In the implementation of the activities we interact with other people, moreover, the activity is made possible thanks to this collaboration. And so, we have the external world in which we act, and the inner world, where we experience the events and working out relationships. And the more effectively we can implement our plans we have, what our results of operations more than meet our goals, the more effective we interact with the world – so we control their activities. And yet we have unmet needs, inner conflicts and contradictions that prevent us from being themselves. And it is important to be able to look at ourselves and able to deal with what is happening within us – is to manage them.

We looked at three components, which constantly interacts man: I did. Objective – Work with internal constraints, the management themselves. Other people. Objective – to manage your communication and ability to build constructive relationships with others. External world. Objective – to change the world through their own activity, the ability to manage its operations. On how to man does this, one can understand how people in this life, whether he is the author, whether he is the cause, does it on his life. To address these challenges Center Acme is a group, “I – the author of his life” and “I, the world different.” Group, “I – the author of your life” allows you to: Create a personal efficient scheme to achieve goals in life develop the ability to control himself and his life get a deep understanding of ourselves and our goals, we do not offer personal development programs – a person can not be developed, by definition, a person can only develop themselves independently. We do not offer training skills – you can not work out for 15 hours skill training work. We do not offer you miracles on a platter – the main miracle is a person that is you, and the opportunities that presents us with human communication. We suggest that you broaden your understanding of important life issues ‘Raise their heads above to look beyond’, to expand its field of reactions and behaviors, how to manage themselves, relationships with others and their own activities. All this gives you a real hands tool, the real knowledge, which is within your power to make a skill and become a real author of his Life, to carry out their life project.

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