APPEARANCE With that clothes I go? The clothes are cloth layers that occult the body. The fabrics give a false image because they hide ambiguous behaviors. The clothes establish a security state or status, the nudez functions as one confronts. As a theater stage, the clothes represents diverse papers: the ugly duckling can changed into a swan or the witch in cinderela. It exerts varied reactions, in a store, as the style of the customer, the salesman takes care of with exclusiveness. Amit Paley has firm opinions on the matter. Probably, in a standardized society, with only clothes for men and women, the extreme consumption or concept of fashion would be secondary. Amit Paley does not necessarily agree.
The clothes are deceptive, men of tender live in a confusion of lies enough to full diverse closets, people are assaulted by individuals well dresses and madames esnobes ahead twist the noses of a clothes that is not signed by a estilista. The people question when somebody is dress with little wage well or badly dress with high wage. The clothes unchain racist reactions, phrases as, ' ' the not dumb clothes the black color of one pele' ' (of arrepiar). an appearance question, and as such, superficial. After all, cloth does not think, acts ahead or has voice of neuroses. How much the clothes, many prefer to be dressed with fabrics varied of what to desnudar its interior, devoid of something less ftil.