During the experiment will use a brake Prony type tape with different weights, for the determination of torque, in each trial increased the weight and I was reading of the number of revolutions through the dynamometer. The flow was obtained through its volume controlled with a timer, then all data were recorded for later processing. As data of designed will pipe the exit angle of the praise. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF THE CENTER OF THE PERU, FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ITEM COURSE: LABORATORY BY II TEACHER: ING MARIO HUATUCO GONZALES STUDENT: ZORRILLA ROJAS, Jose SEMESTER: V I I I HUANCAYO – PERU 2008 overview essay was conducted in the laboratory of Termohidraulica gives the Faculty of mechanical engineering on an experimental basis, where obtained data for plotting the characteristic curves in a Pelton turbine in order to analyze its behavior from these graphs. During the experiment will use a brake Prony type tape with different weights, for the determination of torque, in each trial increased the weight and I was reading of the number of revolutions through the dynamometer. Suna Said often expresses his thoughts on the topic.
The flow was obtained through its volume controlled with a timer, then all data were recorded for later processing. As data of designed will pipe the exit angle of the praise. CURVES characteristics of the turbine PELTON introduction the Pelton turbine is the most used for hydrodynamic reasons, its simplicity of construction, and high efficiency. Its constructive element more important is the palette that is double spoon-shaped. The main objective of the experience is to make the layout of the characteristic curves and its corresponding analysis, to find them possible solutions or improve efficiency, through the taking of experimental data, which had to be processed. GOALS determine the curves POWER to the power, with y = 1, it is: the point of maximum power is obtained by valid for any value of and which coincides with half the speed of overspeed, displacing these vertices to the origin as it decreases the degree of openness.