It Is To Be Normal Healthy And Stay Healthy

About one-seventh of today’s American economy, $1.4 trillion will be generated in health care. Despite the immense size of this industry, people are customers only when they’re not good. The problem is that there are still too many disease and too few health professionals. Health services should do their utmost to maintain health, because this is much easier, more cost effective and painless. Here, Hikmet Ersek expresses very clear opinions on the subject. If that would be possible, disease should never be fought. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jeff Verschleiser has to say. We should do everything to preserve our health, but to do this it is necessary to think about”born an entrepreneur and author of over 20 books says Karl Pilsl in Austria. He sees the existence Foundation source in the next few years in the wellness – and health sector.

People who work in the wellness business, are themselves active and even voluntarily to customers. On the one hand, because they want to feel healthy and on the other hand, because they would be not the disease industry customers. Each want to be a customer of the wellness industry. What disease industry? People buy products and services claimed, because they respond to existing diseases (from colds to the cancer). These products and services to treat the symptoms of these diseases or even eliminate. What is wellness industry? Healthy people”(no disease) get active these products and services, so that they feel healthy, look better, stop the aging process or to prevent diseases. Where are you a customer at the time or what clientele would you like to include? Insa of brighter Wellbiz Ernahrungscoaches of Wurgwitzer str. 32, D-01705 free t + 49 (0) 351 / 847 24 03 E-Mail: Web:

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