Rio De Janeiro

Students in risk situation and prevention, Opened Page, Assay: endorsement. pol. pbl. Educ., Rio De Janeiro, v.14, n.52, P. 383-396, jul. /set.

2006. The constant pertaining to school institucional reform that has occurred in the world, mainly in Brazil, and consequentemente the visionary vision of centuries XVI and XVII comes tona, and more than what it is never intended to teach ‘ ‘ everything todos’ ‘. This ideological transistion institucional pertaining to school, together with the remodelled vision of the child who leaves of being ‘ ‘ it tabulates rasa’ ‘ starts to be subject of rights and citizen, apt to develop itself. The different social extrations in which the children and adolescents of our time are inserted, and come they to frequentar the school, come overloaded of its proper histories some of them regular others characterize themselves for risk situations, marked for failures and sufferings of different types. The contextual reality being part of the classroom sees it urgent necessity, of a sistmico study, where let us can treat of these pupils, which amongst all, we must elencar as main 0 variable the social inaqualities, discharging in innumerable difficulties, adopting itself different confrontations from this period postwar period.

In this direction the school assumes basic role of transformation of concepts. The evolution of the rights of the minors and the search for answers the new requirements of the world, today we speak of the rights of the child and the adolescent, in a treatment adjusted during this phase of the life, if not being able to apply the same rules of selectivity used in the periods of adult phase. Pointed some mechanisms of exclusion and social responsibility one perceives an exculpatory society and ‘ ‘ marginalizadora’ ‘ , inferring us it scarce possibility of social participation to the favored classroom less, consequentemente the difficulties of pertaining to school income, difficulties in adaptation to the student paper, difficulties in social interaction, amongst others, difficulties these interiors or exteriors to the individual. Being anchored in Perrenoud, a fatalista, presumable conceptualization is perceived in lack of talent and aptitude for the studies. Being the invited school, to strengthen itself in its educative dimension. This recognition would not previously take in them to the reinforcement of its exerted cultural and banking function. In contrast it is considered introduction of new structural, organized and pedagogical strategies more efficient.

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