In the heat of final of Operation Triumph in Spain, the presenter Jesus Vzquez was thankful to supported those who it for their appointment like ambassador of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugiados (ACNUR). He requested a special recognition for the Bank Bilbao Biscay Argentaria (BBVA), the sponsor of the event. the BBVA has invested in projects so that the children have in the hands ball-point pens instead of guns, commented the ACNUR ambassador. Nevertheless, the Spanish bank has invested millionaire numbers in Indra, Hispasat and Rymsa, companies that sometimes make armament used against civil populaces, although member of campaign BBVA without Arms have infiltrated in the Meeting of Shareholders of the bank. Before Mnica Naranjo interpreted its new song Lies, the presenter was thankful to the bank in the name of all the young people who have received aid! of the bank for its mortgages and that have obtained cars by means of drawings. The bottom of this part of the spectacle does not struggle today in any mass media Spanish, who has limited itself to tell controversial abandonment of one of judges of Operation Triunfo before the spectacle finished and of the activities of the singers. Yes it appears in newspapers the photo of a placard that hung Greenpeace in the windows of the company ENDESA energetics.
The giant letter said: Good morning ENDESA, if really it worries to you the future about the children of your children, you do not destroy the Patagonia (the letter makes reference to an announcement in television that forces to the adults to re-invent the future). The ecological NGO denounces the HidroAysn project, del that is majority partner ENDESA and whom it tries to construct five great hydroelectric prey in the Patagonia. The prey will be based on the rivers Baker and Passover, both virgins and with a great ecological value.