Beverly Hoffmann

And an Easter greeting to Dieter Bohlen by Beverly Hoffmann August 7, 03:00 am, Hamburg landungsbrucken. A man lies on a metal grid-Bank and tried to sleep. A few yards away tourists, the last party of the evening boat Moors and growling revelers leave the bridges at the port of Hamburg. Max Bryan is homeless and in just a few hours, he should occur in the 600 km from Wiesbaden, before 1400 invited spectators at the Wiesbaden State Theatre to sing a song. It is 2010 the 3rd round to the Super Talent casting, where also Dieter Bohlen, Sylvie van der Vaart and Bruce Darnell to evaluate the vocal talent of the homeless. 07:00 am.

After a restless night, the first way of the morning passes the fish pan, a restaurant close to his then still distant sleeping place. On the backpack strapped a white shirt, the only piece of clean, that the 35-year-old extra had saved up for this appearance. Today is”my big day, waving at the maid and she wishes him good luck for its long ride to the Dieter”. 09.21 am Hamburg central station. Max is on board the train in the direction of Wiesbaden is in motion Hours later the arrival at the destination. Welcome and check-in. Against 2.30 pm then it says wait, wait, wait all day. Max Bryan starts as the last on the list and not a place to the sing up. Max presents his playback, for weeks he tried therefore to organize an instrumental accompaniment for his presentation, but the producer wants to know nothing, the playback will be rejected, too late”, it is by the highest authority, it now so have decided that Max should sing a cappella”. What then followed was to become the Max Bryan the blackest day in the life, who believed in this show to find a chance to escape the street to begin a new life, his love for the music finally be able to live out, but it was different.

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