The reform of Justice feels like like an inescapable priority, every time this public service is being absolutely incapable to offer at the moment so difficult answers. To the courts they go multitude of hopeful citizens on a daily basis. They request the unjust correction of imbalances and situations, to the time of the restoration of his rights. Lamentably they will not take in seeing frustrated his expectations. To tell the truth, we are making it frankly bad. Not even the professionals we see ourselves safe from the temptation let to us infect by laziness. Lawyers or judges, solicitors, public prosecutors or secretaries, among others.
And he is that truly all we are conscious that a great part of the solution to our problems supposes a greater efficiency of the native courts. The vice-president of the General Council of the Judicial Power, Fernando de Rosa, the past 16 of May certified: one more a more agile justice can mark to the difference between the bankruptcy of a company and the dismissal of its workers or their survival. It considers necessary that more places name of judges and equip with resources the jurisdictions mercantile, civil and social, protagonists in the scene of economic crisis that she surrounds to us. It notices that the fast resolution of a subject can suppose the difference between the survival of a company or its bankruptcy. It is convinced that it is necessary to appoint more judges in those areas and to equip to them with average for ” to contribute when coming out of crisis” because ” when a contest of creditors takes a year in being solved the company is led the closing and the workers in calle” , something that could be avoided if it were solved in a month. In my modest opinion, simply whereupon it was admitted to proceeding in that month would be something very positive, and not in five or six, as it happens in more of a case and more than two. It would be then when we would begin it to the lawyers to see like which there is to be, a very useful tool to secure the tried viability.
The temporary problem is not small. It is very difficult that an industralist afflicted of considerable non-payments understand that the simple initial request of a procedure monitorio can later not take place up to four months. Evidently, passed that time, little it will be to obstruct, in such a way that the recovery possibilities will have been esfuminado. The cut of 5% in the wage of the civil servants has been a gross error. At least in the scope that personally I know, the courts, those have responded with medical statements of release from duty of 2 or 3 days. Half tantrum, half adjustment of accounts. He will be because a simple procedural manager perceives how much could be improved the efficiency before acting against its interests. Today they announced a new pretension of our illuminated president: that the companies that survive with great difficulty equip a bottom for possible dismissals. It is not easier to create more judging of the Social thing so that the labour lawyer designs a procedural strategy based on the budget that a dismissal can be ventilated at the most in two months? It would be surely more profitable than the incessant drain which one is put under the Bottom of Wage Guarantee, replacing the industralists bankrupts in his pecuniary responsibilities.