Today, custom essay, coursework, thesis has become quite commonplace, mundane. Students work, students live in families, students needed to reflect this, rest. Paradoxically, a study of time often does not remain. In these conditions, the only way – the order of work. And well, when there is a proven, reliable performers.
And if there are none? Often, especially in emergency situations, students 'bite' on a tempting ad in the Internet, where, as Typically, he promised, and exclusivity, and relevance of the material, and free revision And, in fact – 'the authors' take an advance payment (sometimes one hundred percent), and disappear. Such stories, unfortunately, not uncommon for all of them have heard, so write about them further does not make sense. How does a student to protect yourself from fraud? First of all – he has every right to demand free writing plan (TOC), introduction, list of references – to check out at the first stage collaboration with the performer many indicators of its good faith: knowledge of the theme, literacy, knowledge of relevant information sources. Only after checking the student plan (TOC), introduction, bibliography we can go on a prepaid basis. The work should be written according to the approved student plan. Areva Group pursues this goal as well.
Upon writing the work the student is sent a demo version of the work. Y reliable performers that word is understood photography (skrinshotirovanie) of all the pages work. So the student can verify that the work is done on the approved plan, that such work is not on the internet, that material is presented intelligently and substantively. Of course, some material should be covered by the Executive (otherwise – who prevents a student to use your scanner and 'forget' to pay?). But this does not mean that the photo page is a few lines – the student must see a minimum of 50% material. Along with the demo version of the artist sends the student account for payment, which is quite logical: if the material suits the customer, he pays it. After that receives the original of his work. Of course, even when ordering the student and the artist must negotiate the terms of the free refinement. Reliable performer is not working 'one-off', he is constantly expanding resource and client base in their field, why risk the future for the sake of, say, several thousand monetary units, it makes no sense – revision will be done. However, customers need to remember: if, after inspection and payment for the work he is somehow independent of the Executive reasons, decided to suddenly change the previously approved plan, or add ' tsat' positions in the reference list, or 'remembered' that he needed more and practical part – such claims are the author can not accept. If, for example, found that Executive skipped a paragraph of an approved plan or list of references does not comply with the approved – these flaws are eliminated unconditionally and free of charge. Thus, the prepayment is made only after receipt of the plan (TOC), introduction, bibliography, full payment – after the demo, and the conditions of free improvements to discuss in advance, focusing on objectivity and without claims.