If you are going to use the vehicle for two to five days, choose the weekly rate. Think twice before deciding by insurance. To rent a car you will be offered a document of waiver of damage due to collision as well as one of resignation to losses. Both types of coverage are a good idea, but not if they duplicate the coverage on your own insurance policy. The majority of insurance policies provide liability coverage to protect you in case of injury to someone in an accident, while some others cover rental cars through a wide coverage. Check your policy or call your insurance agent to verify coverage before renting a vehicle.
If you rent a car with a credit card, your card owner Bank can pay for damages of the cars involved in an accident. Check with your rental car agency ahead of time to be sure. Warning: Some car rental agencies do not cover the loss of the car, so if you have an accident, the car rental company will not cover the losses and you can end up paying you. 5. Reserve in advance. It is not just a cliche; those who reserve cars who want on time, usually get things much cheaper.
Rates depend on how many vehicles have the car rental agency at the time that you go to make the rent. Book your car at least one week in advance. 6. What prepaid gasoline? Think twice. When it comes to fuel, who rent a car normally have two options: pay for the full tank of gasoline in advance and return it empty or fill it yourself everytime you need to do during the trip. Car rental agencies say that payment in advance adds comfort and low rates offered will save you money. Perhaps they are right in the first part, but in the second no.