Periodical Leaf

Other tests of liquidity had confirmed that the institutions had kept resources enough to honor its commitments throughout as the semester of 2008. The report still praised the performance of the economic team of the government to brighten up effect of the crisis: ' ' The incentives to the acquisition of asset of the banks of small transport for the ones of medium and great transport and the reduction of the collects of obligatory deposits had contributed for the reestablishment of the volume of liquidity of the system and for the maintenance of the concessions of operations of crdito' ' , it affirmed the note of the BC. Pitada of pessimismoO a study, however, it is limited by not speaking exactly in the individual situation of each bank, that without citing names, as it happened recently in U.S.A. The results if relate only to the average of the sector and they do not guarantee that an isolated institution cannot have problems case the crisis if it aggravates. Moreover, nor all the parameters considered for the BC are next to the reality. The study it considers, for example, that the quotation of the dollar would not fall for less of R$ 2,06, being that today the currency of U.S.A. already is negotiated below of R$ 2, What the rockings of the banks show it is that, in the first trimester of the year, the institutions they had suffered very with the increase in the interests practised in the financial market, that led to one strong rise in its costs of captation.

Between January and March, the banks had spent R$ 44,5 billion to catch resources with loans of short term, 44% more than in the same period of 2008. As the sector did not obtain to all repass this increase of costs to the customers, the result was a fall of 15% in the profit with operations of financial intermediao. How they are the profits of the banks? With the crisis, the profit of the banks that act in Brazil fell 39% in the first trimester of this year when compared with first the three months of 2008, as survey made for the Central banking from the rockings you deliver for the financial institutions. In the period, the profits accumulated for the sector had passed of R$ 12,3 billion for R$ 7,5 billion. The numbers consider only the calls commercial banks, that is, those that offer to current accounts its customers. If considered only the independent financial calls – that they operate only with the concession of loans and on great are not conglomerated the financial ones, the fall were bigger: in the same period, the profit withdrew of R$ 70 million for R$ 14 million. BibliografiJornal Braziliense Post office of 13 of June of 2009 Periodical the Globe of 13 of June of 2009 Periodical Leaf of S. Pablo of 13 of June of 2009

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