The main disadvantage – there can "throw". That is, the client take the money for the solution of the problem in advance, and then the problem is not solved, and refusing to give money. Hence, the first golden rule: money is paid only after the decision of the credit committee bank, and if there is no trust at all, after receiving the car. Another minus – if the client, for example, he asked "do" help, he should not blame others when the issue of auto loan him fit guys from the service Security Bank and asked to "go into the office." Consequently, the second rule: no forgery of documents. Banks also understand that the salary of the envelope is almost always, therefore, take into account additional revenues, these borrowers in the form. Question – would you believe it? – Is already on the broker. With respect to credit brokers, pure ".
First, it must be professionals who besides recruiting for a client the best market conditions, should immediately identify the "problem points" loan application and to understand where this application is filed, as submitted, and know that there they can find common ground on this issue. Secondly, as a rule, the services such organizations to pay banks, insurance companies and sometimes even car dealerships. If the client is asked to pay, it is necessary that he clearly understood pays for what. A mortgage broker should be responsible, at least in part compliance with the terms of credit for the purchase of machines and its parameters.