The borrowers in the United Kingdom have the right to secure free credit report from the finance agency, by law, presently. Credit report contains annual accounts of his borrowing and repayment. Generally, people of Great Britain do not have clear idea about credit report. They only know that the calendar do not want to pay any amount of loan to a loan-seeker whose credit report is not 6. People try to secure finance when they cannot manage with the limited income.
They do not have any control over their failure to repay the borrowed amount, whereas unstopped finance demands prompt them to borrow from several sources. In course of time they reach to a stage when they are tagged with defaults, CCJs, IVAs, arrears, bankruptcies etc. The stage when they are said to have catastrophe credit score this is. It does not end is natural that demand for finance. On the other hand, the British lenders, like their counterparts working in any part of the world, consider that it is too risky to entertain this child of loan-seekers.
When loan application from a person whose credit score the calendar receive is horribly low as by FICO, they are scared. The finance market is competitive and the calendar want to invest their finance. Hence, the lenders bind the borrower with stricter terms and conditions one of which is higher Council of interest. Occasions are not rare for the borrower to seek finance once again. He can still take precaution before he applies for fresh loans. It is possible for him to try for improving his credit status. He can collect his credit report. Cost free credit report can be secured by the borrower. Credit report may contain mistakes. The loan seeker can meet the staff of the credit bureau if he finds that there are mistakes in his credit report. He can ask them to make his credit report free from errors. The borrower can take help of the websites on the internet. There are specific sites. Hey have to type ‘how to get a credit report’ will on the browser. He wants to reach the specific site with the help of the search engine. It is possible then to search and find his credit report. By this time, the borrower in the UK has got the right to get his free credit report. The yearly credit report of the borrower is available free from the financial agency. But sometimes, the borrower is to wait with patience, He is sure to get his credit report.