That’s why the president’s right, he sent his vice president, the son of Julio Argentino Roca, to negotiate a treaty with the British. This has been greatly amplified by the thinkers of the “nationalism” in Argentina. But that did not disclose current, is that pragmatism Justo (pointing in all directions, and also started shares copied Roosevelt’s New Deal), Ezequiel Ramos Mexia sent to Mussolini’s Italy, also to negotiate Bilateral treaty. Both initiatives (a well-known, another almost unknown), were part of the package of policies designed to provide answers to the crisis. In this context Regulatory boards were created. (From meats, grains, wine, mate.) Corporation was created Meat Producers Argentina). And they began to generate attitudes of state intervention in the Serbian public, which would accelerate, in another political context, from June 1943.
And it would create the Central Bank of Argentina Republic, for which the contract was a British expert Sir Otto Niemeyer, who was a disciple who would time: Raul Prebisch. This creation was the tool that was intended to channel the impact on Argentina’s disruption of Wall Street in 1929. These days you will discuss whether or not history repeats itself. Anyone remember the notion of “corsi e ricorsi” Vico, amplified by Croce. Of course now there is room for the concepts of holism, chaos theory, non-linearity. It remains as a background, the broad human behaviors is very broad but not infinite. And that is invariant in the human condition.
Of course there Saravia slip into surnamed Cao. I bring it up, by the news of physical magnitude of dollars that had to import the exchange houses, to meet the demand of the middle class Argentines, who “believe” that and the dollar is a safe haven for their assets. We remembered when three decades ago, silver was talk of Arabs as a panacea to our ills. Now see to what extent is a myth, “the Argentine silver exterior him.” Add Y or wealthy Argentines. And to what extent, if true that mass of money, a part of it would be returning to the country where it was generated. We remember these days, it was said, the crisis of the German mark in 1923, the currency notes were used to paper walls. And all this, which demonstrates the vulnerability of the money (nothing but a convention that serves as a common measure of transactions), reminds us of Caesar Cao Saravia. Cao Saravia was a businessman with political whims, and close to Peronism, in times of proscription. It was very hard on the plan of Martinez de Hoz applied in the self-styled “Process.” The so called “Rataplan.” That is a plan to rats. Well Cao Saravia, said he had to “change the money.”