
In this small article I want to give you one tip for proocionar products of clickbank, in a previous article I made a tutorial video on how to promote clickbank products through Youtube, if you have not visro this article click here to see it. Good in this occasion, the tip that I give to promote clickbank products, is that you can write articles and upload them to different directories of articles that exist on the internet, the first thing you need to do is to consider the product or products you are trying to promote. Then you will have to write two articles per day between 300 and 500 words and that is relevant to the subject of the clickbank product you selected, then you’ll have to upload your articles to different directories of articles that there are on the internet and you are free to upload these articles. However many directories of articles do not allow you that you place your link directly from affiliate ClickBank, so you will need to create a landing page that includes your link of an affiliate product you’re promoting. You will need to include the name of the product you’re promoting 3-5 times in the article you are creating in order to achieve a better keywords density, when you send these articles to articles directories, these will be added to the search engines. So when someone searches for the product you’re promoting using Google, it is when your item is displayed in the results of Google, they will make the link that takes them to your article, and if you are interested, click on the link that loslleva alproducto that you’re promoting haran. If you are from people that you don’t want to write articles for the reason that is, you can hire a writer or freelance, to write articles for it, only your job will be upload to articles directories.

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