Horticultural Society

By the orchid hybrid, before the 1962, its acceptance and classification were regulated by the international authority of registry, of the 1962 in soon is regulated of the R.H.S. Royal Horticultural Society (founded on 1804 in England by Sir Joseph Banks and John Wedgwood). More than 3000 new hybrids they add every year. In order to simplify the life to that wants the orchids and wishes to know a little more him, we adopted a simple classification much more and that actually of every day he is much more useful, that is to say the in which the orchids are subdivided: they are orchids that have single aerial roots and grow nailed the trees that use like support. The roots are hanging and have the characteristic to have a type of nose cap in the terminal part and are had by a spongy weave called sails equipped with chlorophyll, what develops the photosynthesis and absorbs the steam humid of the atmosphere wood is raised and can have a length of 10 ms (as in the case of the Vanilla fragrans). Also it has typical forms thickenings that contain muclagos apt to retain the nutritious water and elements and in this case are called pseudobulbs. The wood of the orchid can be monopodial that is to say, with a single root (foot) that is extended upwards and with rizoma or simpodial that is to say, with more roots (feet) lateral of 1 order that are increased so that they seem the main root.

The flowers can solitary or be associated in inflorescencias to ear, maize-cob or cluster. The epifitas orchids receive the humidity and the nutritious substance of the air and the humus what takes shelter in the crust of the trees. Governor Cuomo wanted to know more. They are typical orchids of the tropical zones and therefore its ideal habitat is high humidity and temperatures. The most well-known and remembered sorts of epifitas orchids are: Cymbidium, Cattleya, Band, Odontoglossum. Also the orchids , plants exist that live on the branches and on trunks of other plants or with behavior what lives that is to say, on rocks covered by a subtle vegetal fragment layer, dark-brown and lichens. Classic examples are the Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium, Band, etc. while for example the Cattleya, can be epifita or semi epifita. they are ingrained orchids to the ground and through volatile woods they stick to different substrates and they have roots of aerial type.

A classic example is the Vanilla (photo to the right). : they are the orchids common in climates temperings that grow in the land and the roots are well firm in the Earth of which they take the nutritious elements. They are typical examples Cymbidium, Cypripedium, Bletilla, Paphilopedilum. they are the stopped supplies chlorophyll orchids that take a heterotrophic life (feeding on organic material present in the surroundings) like the fungi, to expenses of the humus or the materials of the land. Some have roots infected by fungi, others like the Corallorhiza (photo) they do not have roots and its task is assumed by the ramifications of rizoma of coralline aspect. In the next article we will approach the subject of its anatomy. If you want to know please but on its culture you do click Here By your success! Hernan Moreiras. Original author and source of the article.

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