Physical Education Lessons

For who leciona in urban areas, the patio and the classrooms are options to be part of the passage to be covered by the pupils. It comments that: Before placing the group in field, it is important to plan lessons so that all participate of the choice of the passage and the confection of the maps. It is part of the learning to analyze the space, to select obstacles (as cones, banks and ropes) that they can be faced (and loosers) and to elaborate the rules. For this, to a plant low of the school or a drawing made for the professor is enough who presents part of building. (SAINTS, 2010).

FINAL CONSIDERAES Have much time if they debate of the necessity of change in the practical ones of the education of the pertaining to school physical education, determining new constructions and inclusions of practical more involving modern and in the physical and esportivas activities in the lessons. However some changes in the lessons of physical education are perceived, that exactly still shy, adhering the practical one of the games, the correct education of the practical esportiva and also of the use of the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN). Such changes reflect directly in the way as the content was transmitted, giving new felt to the life of the pupil in the lessons of Physical Education, despertando bigger interests and classifying the importance, as much of the lesson as the participation of the same ones. Front of this small result, new ideas and a bigger magnifying of this modern context, need to be ece of fishes in practical so that it can create more interests of the pupils in the participation of activities, allowing new ways to ahead think, to want, to feel and to act new the proposal of work. The proposal of the inclusion of the Enduro the foot of Regularity in the lessons of Pertaining to school Physical Education brings for the scene beyond the proper esportiva physical activity, also the action to transdiciplinar, promoting to the pupils cooperativistas attitudes of union and objectives in set that through specialized literature, allowed to conclude this article believing this possibility.

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