Ruby Anai

Another VERSION of the legend of LA flower of CEIBO legend has it that this flower is the soul of India Anahi Queen, the ugliest an indomitable tribe that dwelt on the banks of the Parana River. But Anahi had a sweet voice, perhaps the most beautiful heard ever in those places, also was rebellious as their race and lover of freedom like birds of the forest. A day was taken prisoner, but brave and determined, it killed the sentry guarding it. At the same time, his fate was sealed forever: sentenced to die at the stake, the next night, his body was tied to a tree in the jungle, low and wide leaves. Slowly, Anahi was surrounded by flames.

Those who attended the ordeal, checked with astonishment that the body of the Indian Queen took a strange shape, and gradually became a slender, crowned tree red flowers. At dawn, in a clearing in the Woods, glimmering el ceibo in flower. SONG made legend: ANAI (legend of the ceibo flower) Anai mourners harps today cry arpeggios that are for you Anai recall perhaps your immense bravery Queen Guarani, Anai, ugly so sweet voice indiecita as the aguai. Anai, Anai, your race is not dead, endure their forces in Ruby flower. Defending your indomitable tribe haughty fuiste prisoner condemned to death, it was already your body wrapped in the bonfire and insofar as the flames were burning it in red Corolla was transforming pious night covered your pain and amazed alba looked your martyrdom made ceibo in flower. Anai, the harps, mourners today cry arpeggios that are for you remind us to case your immense bravery Queen Guarani, Anai, ugly voice as sweet as the aguai indiecita. Anai, Anai, your race is not dead, endure their forces in Ruby flower. Rehendusero ANAI, ohaiva ekue Osvaldo Sosa Cordero has opuraheiva Los Panchos; ehesakutu ko ape: in Guarani Word ana meant family, blood relative and the suffix i is diminutive; i.e., Anai means the / the Member more small family Benjamin/a El Ceibo, also known as seibo, seibo, or bucare, is the national flower of the Republic Argentina. Original author and source of the article.

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