Plus one month, new estaoum new adeusum taste of afternoon end. The new colors that paint the worthy cidadecores of one retratode scene made with wire torto, as if it could photograph my homesickness. I kept the scribble in the surrada knapsack. April that old Hesse waited that me per years, until being what a liberator considered itself of beginning -. Coxinha.
Coxinha fell one well now. – Me of the one coxinha I go to catch this chocolate here also. Pay with the card already in the last ones and I seat again with the face directed toward the south. One gordinho fan of heavy rock perceives my presence. I, finding everything this amused, see its fidget. He seemed that something was moved, something that would not have to be if moving.
Gordinho looking. New April of the Hesse, while coxinha devorava. Valley the exception: one of the best ones of the region, without the shadow of a doubt. looks at that of coxinha I understand. I read the 25 pages that lacked for end, and when I finish I perceive the tdio ally to the pleasure that only the programmed solitude can giving in them. I remembered the chocolate. Small soft bites, and if had passed 124 minutes! How much time we use, without perceiving, in the search of what being beyond what one is! The band already stopped makes time, the canteen is almost closing, my friend did not appear. I was for the bank of the garden. I sat down and I looked at next me there the man who smiled. That shy smile, that I repaid with a low look. Start to construct to mine tsuru. Use that paper of the spreading of sarau astronomical. In the last fold, however, it was even so. It would give it small gull. But it was even so. I, was for where? I lost myself in the pleasures of the beer god while it ordered to skies the tobacco of a cigarette. I played except tsuru for the half as soon as my friend arrived. Programmed solitude pulled out of my planning for a confused and sincere smile, that pueril animation that it only has. Pra loaded my carcass vein where it had more people and beers, and there was with all ' ' eus' ' all ' ' seus' '. Happy he is who knows to break themselves in a thousand and to remain themselves only.