
Beyond Camila, I loved many other girls, however my true love, the only girl who I got passionate myself madly was Drielly Kallyandra, it was a person candy, amiable the above all pretty most beautiful of all fairies, a magic princess. When vi I was for the first time seated in the bank of the square observing the flowers of the garden that were gorgeous, the sky I was wonderful, the stars shone and the moon then was radiating was 19 hours when a girl who that way passed to seeing me sad and in its simplicity wanted to know which the reason of my sadness. – You have some thing? It seems sad! – Noticing who age he did not only say: – Not, I am only relembrando moments of mine five and six years, where it lived in So Paulo. – Then he wants to say that you liveed in So Paulo, I arrived yesterday of there, I go to pass these vacations in Brejes here, with my mother. When it spoke that age of So Paulo I was interested myself and was at this moment that I raised my head and the vi, of low the top it was entirely pretty. – Then it wants to say that you also are of So Paulo, with who she lived there? – With vov. – I liked there, but I prefer to live here! – It is! – Which is its name? – Drielly Kallyandra. you? Which is its name? – I am the Aicas! – He was at that moment I loved that it and I got passionate myself, felt that it would be my true love, loved I and felt it much fear coming to happen what he had happened with my first passions that had never given certain..

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