
The following tips are aimed to take note of elementary concepts to keep funny quotation all the time you want and so maximices your chances with that special girl. I base this article in this blog entry: conquistar-a-una-chica-4-formas-de-ser-divertido if you are interested to know more about the subject. Be fun basically consists of three pillars: be interesting, be spontaneous and keep a smile on the face of it. In the blog entry that you mentioned before, explained in a little more than detail how to avoid forcing that smile from her, and how to avoid that trying to be interesting fall into topics that are detrimental to you as: conversation about exnovios or rumors about other well-known conversation; the latter may seem interesting and easy to handle, but ruin your picture in front of it. We are going to review these 3 tips to be fun in an appointment without further ADO: topics of conversation: to keep the three pillars of your amusing image must have a conversation fluid, which increases the possibilities of interaction. It is not that she speaks for hours and you just looking at her and shaking her head in a timely manner, or that you talk for hours and she move the head. Your goal is that at the end of the quotation she tell her friends: we talked for hours and I felt that connection, so you must keep using topics of conversation that allow interaction, allowing you to add your opinions and at the same time that she wishes to express her. Some questions suggested by the blog are: what is the meal that you would not be willing to relinquish never? What would like crazy that you’d be willing to do for money? (ask the right way or it will sound bad) What is it crazy that you’ve done in your life? What is the oldest memory you have of your childhood? What is the strangest food you’ve eaten in your life? Seriously: a smile on your face can be one of your best attractions but only when surrounded by a seriously face the rest of the time.

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