Goldman Sachs on Crunchbase

Goldman Sachs, Crunchbase says:

Goldman Sachs is a one of the world’s largest investment banks. It traces its routes back to 1869 and is headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Goldman Sachs provides wealth management, investment banking, and sales & trading services.

In regards to the technology world, Goldman Sachs continues to invest heavily in this market.

With duration of 20 years, the objective one was to promote aindstria for in action the estagnada counting national, and to stimulate acombinao of the isolated capitals ; to this stated period B.B. if would dissolve or seconstituria again, clearly if the government thus desired; The capital iniciaufoi of 1.200 stories of kings, divided in 1.200 deris actions of a story each one being able to be increased by means of new actions. 1810 the currency it eraexclusivamente metallic country and the ballots it Bank it Brazil had been primeirasa to circulate in the Portuguese world. The Real Farm, entered comoacionista main, charging delinquent taxes and current, it opened modurante 5 years of any profit of action. Through this action the capital dobanco if consolidated. 1821 D.

Joo VI and the cut returns Portugal leading fundosdo B.B. 1829 the Bank from Brazil is liqudadopor law, the excess of emissions of headings and the lack of> Visconde de deep Mau Bancodo a particular, authorized Brazil for the government. 1854 the directory of the bank determines aabertura of the competition for the clerk position. 1892 the Bank of Brazil if establishes with the Bancoda Republic of the United States and passes if to call Bank the doBrasil Republic. 1905 the Bank of the Republic of Brazil liqudado and transformed by means of change into the shareholding composition, noBanco of Brasil s.a.; the beginning of the third and current deempresa legal phase. The government enters as shareholding marjoritrio of the capital, querefora its power of interference in the general meetings. 1986 Mark beginning of one longoprocesso where the Bank of comcaractersticas Brazil left of being monetary institution to coexist the dualidade of being aomesmo time a competitor public company in the financial market. in the present the enganjamento doBanco of Brazil became it a sustainable company and with principles of> ambient responsabilidadescio, a project also seen as a strategy negociala end to stimulate the sustainable development of regiesonde the B.B is present.

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