It is that the bags of Colombia and Lima are studying alternative for the possible integration of their markets of action. The president of stock-market of Values of Lima, Hoyle Robert, said in an official notice: we were very interested in the possibility of a future integration of our markets of variable rent and in a following stage of fixed rent. This type of approaches is of great importance for the fortification of our markets. How it is that the integration of the markets of variable rent can benefit to the economies of Peru and Colombia? Although they are not important stock markets, one can imagine that this integration could harness the growth of the same and benefit the investors who would find this way a greater variety of investment possibilities and allow one better diversification of the risks. An aspect that cannot be let pass is that Peru is the main destiny of the Colombian investments in the outside, reason why this alliance will allow to improve the anchorage of the Colombian companies in the Peruvian market.
Of the success that can have this integration will be able to be thought about the possibility of incorporating new bags of the countries of the region and in this way to advance in the project of regional integration of the markets which often it was tried to give impulse, but that by different reasons did not manage to arrive at good port. But, before continuing projecting what can get to happen with this advance in the regional bags, it is worth to clarify that integration can not be so simple since is required to reach agreements in different aspects such as the normative questions. In fact, the attempt to integrate itself that they have come taking ahead in the last years, the bags of Mexico and Brazil, has not been able to materialize itself by this question. What is clear, is that if could be chosen a little while opportune so that the Latin American economies think about advancing in the integration of their stock markets in spite of the turbulences in the economies of the first world, a better moment could not be chosen than this one where the region in main lines, has managed to reach an important macroeconomic stability, where it becomes conceited to good rate and where already it is thinking seriously about advancing towards the definitive economic development. We will be again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo original Author and source of the article.