Military Policemen

this is what if it can perceive when we attend in complete its interview the GloboNews. How either forbidden the right to the strike! But, as Jacqueline Muniz, says in the interview, is necessary that the Union is supporting the states so that the states have conditions to bank one full wage politics to the Policies and Firemen. (paraphrase). Of my part, I understand that one full wage politics would be only the initial kick so that the professional valuation of the Professionals of Public Security happens. However, a necessary and inadivel initial kick! The fact is that the chaos that we witness recently per these days in the Bahia and in other states, nothing more is of what the fruit of the indifference of our governing stops with a category that has the mission of if risking daily so that it has maintenance of the public order! E, even so I disagree vehemently with certain acts that had been committed by some of those colleagues, I I cannot leave to see all in this event result of the desperation of a category that it yearns for if feeling valued. The paralyzation of those Professionals in the Bahia has been pointed as the cause of a chaos that if it installed there, but, the fact is that the omission of to our makes them governing, at least, coautores of all this chaos! Coautores why threats of arrests and even though the efetivao of these arrests are not capable to silence a yearning that cries out in the soul of each one of these professionals! Coautores why they close the eyes for the fact of that the Military Policemen of our Brazil do not feel themselves valued in the exercise of its function! For everything this, I believe that everything what we have seen and ear in the TV concerning these movements Military strikers of the Policies and Firemen has been really fruit of this indifference.

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