Market value – the cost of the transaction occurred, ie, reflect the past state of the object. Further insights into the value of standards provides a systematic approach. From a systems perspective to the enterprise and its value in these standards of value acquired the following meanings: The residual value – the cost of items (assets) in the system (enterprise). Fair market value – is enterprise value as of the elements (assets), ie cost items (assets) plus systemic effect (goodwill). Investment value – is the value of the company as an element of higher-order (sub), ie cost items (assets) plus a systemic effect of the first order (goodwill), plus a systemic effect of higher order (corporate impact). The next step after identifying the required standard cost reflects the purpose of evaluation – is the choice of the necessary procedures and evaluation methods.
Procedures and evaluation methods. In theory and practice of business valuation, by analogy with the assessment of real estate is traditionally a classification of evaluation approaches used by business original data: Evaluation biznesarynochny podhoddohodny podhodpodhod asset-based rating approach nedvizhimostiRynochny podhodDohodny podhodZatratny Standard BSV-I provides the following definition of these approaches: market-based approach (Market approach) – a common method for determining the value of the company and / or equity, in which, one or more methods based on comparison with those of the enterprise is sold investments. (The approach itself is regulated by the standard BSV-VI) income approach (income approach) – a common method for determining the value of the company and / or equity, in which, one or more methods put to rest based on expected revenues. (The approach itself is regulated by the standard BSV-VII) approach based on the assets (asset based approach) – a common method for determining the value of the company and / or equity, in which use one or more methods based directly on the calculation of the value of enterprise assets minus liabilities.