
Over the past fifteen years, network marketing business in Russia has become a real school of life and business to millions of our fellow citizens. Among all network marketing companies, stands a young and growing company Edelstar.Ochen many people who did not have large capital behind him, but only the desire to work hard and dream of the prosperity in this life, realize themselves in MLM-biznese.V such network companies such as Avon, Amway, Artlife, Amway and Avon, Oriflame passed school Tens of thousands of distribyutorov.Setevoy marketing – it's the only chance of escape are a monthly or weekly salary, which, even to the same, and still have to earn it. Suffice it to say that only in Moscow region MLM busy few million people. And in Russia, they have variously estimated at least ten to fifteen millionov.Na today network marketing companies are registered in 125 countries. By the number of MLM-companies per capita population unconditionally tiny lead in Malaysia, where about 800 registered network marketing companies, but only in the global economy with varying degrees of effectiveness over 3,000 MLM-known firms, with more than 2000 distribution companies operating in the U.S., about 500 companies – Evrope.Sovokupny annual sales network company in the world is more than $ 100 billion, annually increasing by 20 30protsentov.Po forecasts Gallup, in the twenty-first century tools destribyutsii network will use at least 70protsentov trading firms around the world. Currently, Japan is the undisputed leader in terms of marketing chain. Suffice to note that About 90 percent of the production and marketing of goods and services account for network marketing here. In the U.S., these figures look much more modest, and a marketing network here is "only" 50 percent of the data produktsii.Po Gallup Independent Experts and the Wall Street Journal, an online business employs about 2 percent of the world's population and about 15protsentov the U.S.

population. To date, the U.S. taxes are paid at least 500 000 multimillionaires, and one fifth of them nazhila fabulous condition it is in the network. . In MLM-business one gets the opportunity to become a master of his life, that is to gain complete financial independence and get the most important thing in life – the opportunity use your time of life as he wants.

In network marketing, the monthly, weekly or daily income is determined not by someone, and yourself. There are practically no restrictions in earnings: it could be $ 10 and $ 90, and $ 200 and $ 400 and $ 5,000 and $ 50,000! It will all depend on yourself, on your abilities, but not from the patronage of "big men" or cronyism, without which it is now nowhere … especially fast today can improve their financial affairs in network company Edelstar. Why network marketing leaders and novice networkers choose a business with a company Edelstar? – Edelstar – the new network company, which occupies the most basic market niche – a niche consumers with low and middle income – is the main market turnover MLM; – Edelstar offers quality products of the European level – Marketing Plan is fully consistent with Edelstar market requirements and expectations of the MLM-distributors in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and other former CIS countries. And this is an indisputable fact! – Business with Edelstar very convenient for the distributor MLM and created the example of the world's best network marketing companies, but unlike many others, adapted to market conditions in developing countries. We invite you to our company!

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