Erosion is a serious problem and can lose 30 to 120 cm of Coast each year. The effects have costs to the environment, ecosystems, erosion translates into loss of habitat as the coastal wetlands that deteriorate. Plants and wildlife that depend on these ecosystems are affected negatively, economically, the loss of these ecosystems to leave coastal areas most vulnerable to damage from storms and storm surges. Causes 1. One of the main causes of erosion is due to urban development, habitat replacement often results in an increase in the amount of impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots and sidewalks.
Normally, the vegetation would slow the flow of surface water but is not possible given the increase in impervious surfaces of the current. The water can travel faster and in greater quantity. Effects 2. Erosion removes the surface layer of the soil, often removes the seeds that exists within soils. Governor Cuomo has firm opinions on the matter. Can also enter the toxins of the applications of pesticides and fertilizers in the waterways. Erosion also carries the possibility of the introduction of contaminants into water resources. Heavy metals and toxins remain dormant in the soil of wetlands as part of the sediments.
Erosion alters these layers and the emissions of these pollutants in surface waters. The impact is measured on the basis of the toxicity of chemicals and compounds that enter the water. Importance 3. Sediments have other negative effects on aquatic resources, their excess negatively impacts on streams and Lakes preventing infiltration. These aquatic organisms depend on clear water to feed. Impacts can affect aquatic life in the ecosystem by removing the compounds at lower level of the food chain. Warning 4. When erosion is continues, also includes risk of flooding. Without suitable habitat and with the increase in impervious surfaces, more areas become vulnerable to the risk of flood. Prevention / solution 5. The best solution to avoid problems of soil erosion is the maintenance and restoration of the habitat. For example, planting strips of protection on the banks of streams, defenses in gabion, geotube built with geosynthetics, anti-erosive meshes, protective mats.